Comparing Sink and Sled Drain Cleaning Machines
If you are in the market for a drain cleaning machine, you need to make sure that you are purchasing the best machine to fit your needs. Drain cleaning machines are expensive, heavy-duty products that therefore require a lot of research before making a purchase decision. The three types of machines to consider are sink machines, sled machines, and upright machines. While all three types will operate properly, each are designed differently. So which type is the best for you? Let’s compare the benefits of each kind of machine to figure out which will best suit your specific needs. First, there are sink machines, which are for smaller jobs. Sink machines are ideal for most residential lines as they are fairly small. Despite their smaller size, they still have plenty of power. Sink machines are generally used for 1-¼” to 3” lines, making them the best option for fixing various residential lines such as sinks, bathtubs, and shower drains. These machines are also versatile, allowing...